The hip-hop happenings in LIVE EVERY DAY news

@Ethel Walker

@Ethel Walker

LIVE EVERY DAY was selected to serve as Ethel Walker Middle & High School’s Physical Therapy provider. With a storied history and local presence; their integrity & love for learning resounds with all LIVE EVERY DAY’ers. Housed on campus, LIVE EVERY DAY is poised to return the student athlete safely back to the field under…Read More »

More From Mary

More From Mary

Tell us about your experience in Haiti I was selected amongst my peers while in Graduate School to help pave the way for a Global Health Initiative.  The concept had been to create an interdisciplinary learning and treating opportunity for Physical & Occupational therapy students to attend annually during spring break.  After 2 successful trips…Read More »



LIVE EVERY DAY was selected to serve as Westminster High School’s  Physical Therapy provider.

Interview with Matt Calendrillo

Interview with Matt Calendrillo

How do you stay motivated and creative? It’s a tad cliché to say, “life’s short” – but it is! To no surprise, we named our practice LIVE EVERY DAY for that exact reason. Our work reminds me every day that we must stride to be better individuals, help and love those around us and expand…Read More »



LIVE EVERY DAY has teamed with The Gengras Center School (GCS) on the campus of The University of St. Joseph.